How to Generate Multiple Posterior Distributions under a Single PyMC3 Model: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Generate Multiple Posterior Distributions under a Single PyMC3 Model: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of running multiple PyMC3 models to generate posterior distributions for different likelihoods? Do you want to know the secret to generating multiple posterior distributions under a single PyMC3 model? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to explore the world of PyMC3 and show you how to generate multiple posterior distributions under a single model based on multiple likelihoods and a constant prior.

What You’ll Need

To follow along with this tutorial, you’ll need:

  • Python installed on your machine (we’ll be using Python 3.x)
  • The PyMC3 library installed (you can install it using pip: `pip install pymc3`)
  • A basic understanding of Bayesian inference and PyMC3

The Problem: Multiple Likelihoods, One Prior

In many cases, you’ll encounter situations where you have multiple likelihoods that you want to model, but you only have one prior distribution. For example, imagine you’re analyzing the heights of different species of birds, and you have three separate likelihoods for three different species:

likelihood1 = pm.Normal('height1', mu=10, sd=2)
likelihood2 = pm.Normal('height2', mu=15, sd=3)
likelihood3 = pm.Normal('height3', mu=20, sd=4)

In this scenario, you might want to generate posterior distributions for each likelihood using the same prior distribution. But how do you do that using PyMC3?

The Solution: PyMC3’s `switch` Function

The secret to generating multiple posterior distributions under a single PyMC3 model lies in the `switch` function. The `switch` function allows you to create a conditional statement in your model that depends on a discrete variable. In our case, we can use the `switch` function to switch between different likelihoods based on a discrete variable.

import pymc3 as pm

# Define the prior distribution
prior = pm.Uniform('prior', lower=0, upper=30)

# Define the discrete variable that will switch between likelihoods
switch_var = pm.DiscreteUniform('switch_var', lower=0, upper=2)

# Define the likelihoods
likelihood1 = pm.Normal('height1', mu=10, sd=2)
likelihood2 = pm.Normal('height2', mu=15, sd=3)
likelihood3 = pm.Normal('height3', mu=20, sd=4)

# Define the model
with pm.Model() as model:
    # Use the switch function to switch between likelihoods
    likelihood = pm.switch(switch_var, [likelihood1, likelihood2, likelihood3])
    # Define the likelihood-prior combination
    obs = pm.Normal('obs', mu=likelihood, sd=1, observed=np.random.normal(15, 2, 10))

In this example, we define a discrete variable `switch_var` that takes on values 0, 1, or 2. We then use the `switch` function to switch between the three likelihoods based on the value of `switch_var`. The `obs` variable is the observed data, which is normally distributed with a mean given by the likelihood and a standard deviation of 1.

Sampling the Model

Now that we’ve defined the model, it’s time to sample it! We’ll use PyMC3’s `sample` function to sample the model:

with model:
    trace = pm.sample(1000, cores=2)

This will generate 1000 samples from the model, using two cores.

Extracting the Posterior Distributions

Once we’ve sampled the model, we can extract the posterior distributions for each likelihood by using the `switch_var` variable to index into the trace:

posterior1 = trace['height1'][trace['switch_var'] == 0]
posterior2 = trace['height2'][trace['switch_var'] == 1]
posterior3 = trace['height3'][trace['switch_var'] == 2]

This code extracts the posterior distributions for each likelihood by selecting the samples where `switch_var` is equal to 0, 1, or 2, respectively.

Visualizing the Results

Let’s visualize the posterior distributions using histograms:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.hist(posterior1, alpha=0.5, label='Posterior 1')
plt.hist(posterior2, alpha=0.5, label='Posterior 2')
plt.hist(posterior3, alpha=0.5, label='Posterior 3')

This code generates a histogram for each posterior distribution, with alpha blending to show the overlap between the distributions.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to generate multiple posterior distributions under a single PyMC3 model based on multiple likelihoods and a constant prior. By using the `switch` function, we can create a model that switches between different likelihoods based on a discrete variable. This allows us to generate posterior distributions for each likelihood using the same prior distribution.

We hope this tutorial has been informative and helpful. Remember, the key to generating multiple posterior distributions under a single PyMC3 model is to use the `switch` function to create a conditional statement that depends on a discrete variable. Happy modeling!

Keyword Frequency
PyMC3 7
multiple posterior distributions 5
likelihoods 4
prior 3
switch function 2

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Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of PyMC3 and discover how to generate multiple posterior distributions under a single model based on multiple likelihoods and a constant prior!

Q1: Can I use a single PyMC3 model to generate multiple posterior distributions for different likelihoods and a constant prior?

Yes, you can! PyMC3 allows you to create a single model that can be used to generate multiple posterior distributions based on different likelihoods, as long as the prior remains constant. You can achieve this by defining separate likelihood terms within the model and then sampling from the posterior using the `sample` function.

Q2: How do I specify multiple likelihoods in a single PyMC3 model?

To specify multiple likelihoods, you can use the `pm.Potential` function to define each likelihood term as a separate potential. Then, you can combine these potentials using the `+` operator to create the overall likelihood function. For example, `likelihood1 = pm.Potential(‘likelihood1’, pm.math.loglikelihood(data1, params))` and `likelihood2 = pm.Potential(‘likelihood2’, pm.math.loglikelihood(data2, params))`. Finally, combine them using `likelihood = likelihood1 + likelihood2`.

Q3: Can I use different priors for each likelihood in the same model?

No, in this case, you need to use a constant prior across all likelihoods. PyMC3 requires a single prior distribution for each model parameter, which is then used to generate posterior distributions for each likelihood. If you need to use different priors for each likelihood, you’ll need to create separate models for each likelihood.

Q4: How do I sample from the posterior distribution for each likelihood in the same model?

To sample from the posterior distribution for each likelihood, you can use the `sample` function with the `likelihood` argument set to the specific likelihood term. For example, `trace1 = pm.sample(likelihood=likelihood1)` and `trace2 = pm.sample(likelihood=likelihood2)`. This will generate separate posterior distributions for each likelihood.

Q5: Are there any limitations or potential issues when using a single PyMC3 model for multiple likelihoods and a constant prior?

Yes, there are some potential issues to consider. For example, if the likelihoods have different scales or units, you may need to rescale or normalize them to ensure proper model fitting. Additionally, if the likelihoods have different complexities or numerical instabilities, it may affect the convergence of the MCMC sampler. Always carefully check the model fit and posterior distributions to ensure they make sense in the context of your problem.

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