The Frustrating World of Flutter Bloc Delays: How to Rebuild BlocConsumer after Emit
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The Frustrating World of Flutter Bloc Delays: How to Rebuild BlocConsumer after Emit

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Ah, the thrill of building a Flutter app with Bloc! It’s a beautiful architecture, isn’t it? Until, that is, you stumble upon the dreaded delay issue. You know, the one where your BlocConsumer refuses to rebuild after you’ve emitted a new state. It’s like watching a pot of water that refuses to boil, no matter how much you stare at it.

The Problem: Delayed Rebuilding of BlocConsumer

So, you’ve set up your Bloc, your BlocProvider, and your BlocConsumer. You’ve emitted a new state, and you’re expecting your widget tree to rebuild with the fresh data. But, alas, it doesn’t. The screen remains stagnant, like a screenshot from a bygone era. You’ve checked your code, and everything looks perfect. The state is being emitted, the listener is being called, but… nothing. Zilch. Zip.

This is where the frustration begins. You start questioning your understanding of the Bloc architecture, your coding skills, and even the very fabric of reality. But fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to dive into the world of delayed rebuilding and emerge victorious on the other side.

Causes of Delayed Rebuilding

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore the possible causes of this delay:

  • async and await misadventures: Are you using async and await correctly? Make sure you’re not blocking the UI thread with inappropriate uses of await.
  • Inconsistent state emission: Are you emitting the state correctly? Ensure that you’re using the correct Bloc instance and that the state is being emitted properly.
  • Widget tree complexities: Is your widget tree overly complex? Perhaps there are unnecessary rebuilds or redundant widgets that are causing the delay.
  • performance issues: Are there any performance bottlenecks in your app that could be causing the delay?

Solution 1: The Obvious (but Often Overlooked) Solution

Sometimes, the solution is staring you right in the face. Have you tried… (drumroll) … calling setState?

  (context, state) {
    if (state is MyDesiredState) {
      // Update your UI here
      setState(() {}); // <-- The magic line
    return MyWidget();

This might seem like a hack, but it’s a simple and effective way to trigger a rebuild. However, be cautious not to overuse setState, as it can lead to performance issues.

Solution 2: Using value property of BlocBuilder

The BlocBuilder widget has a value property that can be used to rebuild the widget tree when the state changes. Here’s an example:

  (context) {
    return MyWidget(
      value: bloc) => bloc.state), // <-- The magic line

In this example, the MyWidget widget will rebuild whenever the state of the MyBloc changes.

Solution 3: Using StreamBuilder

Another approach is to use a StreamBuilder to rebuild the widget tree when the state changes. Here’s an example:

  stream:, // <-- The stream from your Bloc
  builder: (context, snapshot) {
    if (snapshot.hasData) {
      return MyWidget(
        data:, // <-- The latest state
    } else {
      return CircularProgressIndicator(); // <-- Display a loading indicator

In this example, the MyWidget widget will rebuild whenever a new state is emitted by the myBloc.

Solution 4: Optimizing Your Widget Tree

Sometimes, the delay is caused by an overly complex widget tree. To optimize your widget tree:

  • Use const constructors for widgets that don’t change.
  • Use ValueListenableBuilder instead of StreamBuilder for simple state changes.
  • Break down large widgets into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Solution 5: Profiling and Debugging

Still stuck? It’s time to break out the big guns: profiling and debugging tools. Use the Flutter DevTools to:

  • Analyze the widget tree to identify performance bottlenecks.
  • Profile your app to identify slow code paths.
  • Debug your app to identify the root cause of the delay.


Delayed rebuilding of BlocConsumer can be frustrating, but with these solutions, you should be able to identify and fix the issue. Remember to:

  • Check your code for async and await misadventures.
  • Ensure consistent state emission.
  • Simplify your widget tree.
  • Profile and debug your app.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the dreaded delay issue and delivering a smooth, responsive user experience.

Solution Description
Calling setState A simple, but effective way to trigger a rebuild.
Using value property of BlocBuilder Rebuild the widget tree when the state changes.
Using StreamBuilder Rebuild the widget tree when the state changes.
Optimizing your widget tree Improve performance by simplifying your widget tree.
Profiling and debugging Identify and fix performance bottlenecks.

Happy coding, and may the Bloc be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers you need about “flutter bloc delays to rebuild BlocConsumer after emit”.

Why does BlocConsumer take time to rebuild after emitting a new state?

BlocConsumer rebuilds when the state of the Bloc changes, but it doesn’t happen immediately. This delay is due to the way Flutter handles widget rebuilds. When you emit a new state, Flutter adds a microtask to the task queue, which is then executed when the current frame is complete. This ensures that the UI is updated efficiently, but it can cause a brief delay.

How can I minimize the delay in rebuilding BlocConsumer?

To minimize the delay, you can use the `notifyListeners` method of the Bloc, which triggers a rebuild of the widgets that depend on the Bloc. However, be cautious when using this method, as it can lead to unnecessary rebuilds. Another approach is to use a `StatefulBuilder` or `AnimatedBuilder` to rebuild the widget tree only when necessary.

Can I use `addPostFrameCallback` to rebuild BlocConsumer immediately?

Yes, you can use `addPostFrameCallback` to rebuild BlocConsumer immediately after emitting a new state. This method schedules a callback to be executed after the current frame is complete, which can help to minimize the delay. However, be aware that this approach can lead to multiple rebuilds if not handled carefully.

What is the difference between `BlocBuilder` and `BlocConsumer` in terms of rebuilding?

Both `BlocBuilder` and `BlocConsumer` rebuild when the state of the Bloc changes, but they differ in their behavior. `BlocBuilder` rebuilds the entire widget tree, while `BlocConsumer` only rebuilds the widgets that depend on the Bloc. This means that `BlocConsumer` is more efficient and can help to minimize unnecessary rebuilds.

How can I debug the rebuilding process of BlocConsumer?

To debug the rebuilding process, you can use the Flutter debugger or the `debugDumpApp` function to inspect the widget tree. Additionally, you can use the ` BlocListener` to listen to state changes and log the rebuilds. This can help you identify the cause of unnecessary rebuilds and optimize your app’s performance.

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